Producer Spotlight: Ron Freeman
Ron’s farm is a testament to the belief that biodiversity, ecosystem balance, and nature’s abundance are the keys to profitable, sustainable beef production.

Illinois Grazing Lands Coalition Announces 2025 Award Winners
The ILGLC Master Grazier Award recognizes Illinois livestock producers with outstanding grazing operations and those who work diligently to promote the grazing industry.

Producer Spotlight: Dan Sanderson
Practical Lessons in Waterlines, Fencing, and Cover Crop Grazing

Illinois Producer to Share Experience With Virtual Fence at Upcoming Conference
Thoren’s experience using virtual fence and grazing cover crops offers a unique perspective on how producers can optimize grazing strategies and improve profitability.

Producer Spotlight: Greg Thoren
Greg’s farm stands as proof that regenerative agriculture can succeed in northern climates. He encourages other producers to start small and embrace experimentation.